When searching for your picture...

1 - Please place the letter "MV" (for Muddy Viking) in front of your bib number. For example, type MV250 in the search box. Searched photos will show up IN THE "PHOTOS" TAB after you search.

2 - After you view a picture of the searched runner, use the back button to go back to the search results.

3 - After you type in your search, be sure to click on the "photos" tab to view your searched photos.

4 - Because so many numbers were unidentifiable, thephotos are also posted in separate albums based on the approximate time of day you finished (ie. 11:15 a.m., or 12:30 a.m. - not your race time). BE SURE TO CHECK THE OTHER ALBUMS.

5 - MINOR RETOUCHING IS AVAILABLE by request. Please contact [email protected] for questions.

If you have any questions, let me know at [email protected].

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